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Baring Visa Hitch, Keshi Off To S’Africa

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 | 8:50 AM

Super Eagles boss, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, is expected to jet out to South Africa, this Thursday night, if he gets his visa on time from the South African Embassy.

The former national team skipper, again declared yesterday that the controversy over his trip to do analysis during the Nations Cup championship starting this weekend was totally unnecessary. “I have said time and again that there is no issue in this pundit business, all the big coaches across the world do it and they use it to enrich their resume, so why are Nigerians agitated.”

Keshi, said the controversy might be because Nigeria did not qualify for the Nations Cup, adding that he understands the feelings of the average soccer fan, in the country. “As I’m talking to you now, I have drawn up the programme for the games against Liberia, which is a friendly and Rwanda, which we all know is a Nations Cup qualifier.

“Infact, the two games will be on my mind even when I’m not around, so let no one think I’m going there to have fun, because I will be back more prepared and ready for the task of rebuilding the national team”.

NFF Technical Committee Chairman, Barr. Chris Green, has already said that the Federation, has given Keshi and his Assistant, Dan Amokachi, all clear for the pundit job in South Africa, with some conditions which both parties have agreed upon.
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