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Chukwu To Bury Late Mum On Friday.

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Monday, January 16, 2012 | 7:27 AM

The late mother of former Nigeria captain, Christian Chwukwuemeka Chukwu, will be buried in Enugu State on Friday, January 20.

Mrs Rebecca Ezinne Chukwu died last month after a brief illness.

Chukwu, a member of the Technical Committee of the Nigeria Football Federation, disclosed that a church at the St. Phillips Anglican Church, Umuikeowo Community, Obe Town, Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State will preceed the internment. The church service will start at 10am.

The creme-de-la-creme of the country’s football family is expected at the burial of Mrs Rebecca Chukwu, mother of the first man to captain the Senior Men’s Team of Nigeria to lift the African Cup of Nations (1980) and who was Assistant Coach when the team won the trophy for the second time in Tunisia in 1994.

Chukwu was also Assistant Coach when the Super Eagles participated at their first FIFA World Cup finals in the United States of America, also in 1994.

“I am inviting all my friends in the football family to join me in paying last respect to my wonderful mother”, Chukwu said in a statement.

The man fondly called ‘Chairman’ was Head Coach of the Super Eagles between 2002 and 2005.

NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari said on Monday that the Federation would be well represented at Friday’s burial ceremony of the late Mrs Rebecca Ezinne Chukwu.

“ ‘Chairman’ Chukwu served this nation excellently and creditably as a player and as a Coach, and is still serving as a member of the NFF Technical Committee. The NFF will be well-represented at the burial of
his mother”, said Maigari.
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