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Keshi Keeps 26 Stars Guessing Over First Team

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Friday, January 13, 2012 | 7:47 AM

Before now, there was palpable anxiety in the camp of the Super Eagles, especially among players over who will be dropped from the team for the friendly games against Angola and Liberia , this week, but all that changed Sunday afternoon.

This is because Big Boss Stephen Keshi and his technical crew have decided that all the 25 players still in camp should remain for the game against Angola on Wednesday.

Keshi, said the reason is to give all the players a sense of belonging and to have a further look in on those who were already pencilled down for the exit door.

However, after the Angolan game the team will b pruned down and Keshi admonished that those who will eventually be asked to return to their clubsides should not feel that thy were not good enough but a case of international football rules which forbids taking more than a certain number of players for games, including friendlies. “If I have my way I will take all of you to the games but we know the rules and those who will be dropped will eventually b recalled in the near future, because we are rebuilding and we need the cooperation of all”.

Players still in camp: Chigozie Agbim, Godwin Paul, Moses Ocheje, Ikemute Odah, Azubuike Egwueke, Kola Anubi, Papa Idris, Osas Omomo, Kabir Umar, Gbenga Arokoyo, Bathlomew Ibenegbu, Izu Azuka, Ejike Ozoenyi, Stephen Morah, Sunday Mba, Sunday Emmanuel, Uche Oguchi, Godfrey Obaburuwar, Juwon Oshaniwa, Rabiu Ibrahim, Barnabas Imenger, Obinna Nwachukwu, James Onyebuchi, Reuben Gabriel, Ossai Uche, Kalu Uche.
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