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Keshi, Vidigal Salute Gritty Display

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Friday, January 13, 2012 | 7:31 AM

Super Eagles Head Coach Stephen Okecukwu Keshi and his Pelanca Negras counterpart, Lito Vidigal, were full of praise for their teams and particularly the Nigerian side after the goalless draw at the Abuja National Stadium on Wednesday.

Vidigal, said he was right when he fielded his strongest squad against Nigeria , because any team that Nigeria presents in any competitive games was always going to be difficult to beat.

“We had to change tactics when we saw that the team was stronger than we thought but I’m happy that we came away with a draw against a Nigerian side as big and determined as the one we saw today. It’s still shocking that the team did not make it to the Nations Cup.

On his part, Keshi said he was satisfied with the performance of his players but expected victory from them. “We were a little bit wasteful with the chances we had and that is why I will always say we are rebuilding, refocussing and pumping confidence into the boys. Nigerians will start seeing the result very soon, but they must be patient with the boys, because they are still growing.

The Eagles depart Nigeria for Liberia for another international friendly against that country’s national team on Friday, while the Angolans have since departed Abuja for Nations up hostilities in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea .
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