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Oshodi Charges Newly Apppointed Association Chairmen To Uplift Standard of Sports.

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 | 9:58 AM

Lagos State Commisioner for Youth, Sports and Social Development Wahid Enitan Oshodi, has congratulated the newly appointed chairmen of the various Sports Associations of the State Sports Council.

The inauguration takes place on Tuesday at the indoor sports hall of the Teslim Balogun Stadium.

According to him, the appointment of the sports association chairmen was based on their keen interest and past contributions to sports in general and your specific sport in particular, stressing that he is confident the satate had chosen the right people to help reverse the downturn in our sporting fortunes and chart a period of unprecedented sporting growth and development in Lagos.

While reminding them of their responsibilities, Oshodi, said the Sports Associations formed the bedrock of sports development in Lagos as the Ministry would observe its supervisory role over the growth of sports and propagation.

He said the team were fortunate to serve under an administration led by a truly sports loving Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola,who recognises the need for funding in sports and has also pledged financial support towards sports development in the State, especially the welfare of our athletes.

He encouraged them to engage Corporate Nigeria in a bid to promote sport as he believed that sports all over the world is private sector driven, and the state government would appreciate the gesture if the associations chairmen leverage on the move to add value to sport improvement.

He explained that the state government introduced the office of the Honorary Secretary to each Association to assist in liaising with the outside world on behalf of the Association and also help secure necessary sponsorship and support from prospective private sector partners.
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