Former Green Eagles Football Players,Adokiye Amasiemaka has said that the desire to focus on regular Competitions has affected the develoment of Football in Nigeria.
The Football administrator,said the nations's Young Football Players were not well refined in the area of acquisition of Skills because the Nigeria Football Association do not have institution for the development of Youth development programme.
He said the NFA had only stick with the idea of implementation forgetting the idea of Conceptualization and Planning which are the bedrock of Football improvement,addding that the NFA should endeavour to employ coaches who are well endowed in the mangement of Youths with the Provision of First class
Sport facilities to train with.
He pointed out that netherland football has improved based on the availability of football facilities at the nooks and crannies of the country,stressing that the NFA must put in place a struture to enable the coaches take the players through the process of development.
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