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Agari: Keshi Has Started Perfectly But…

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Friday, January 13, 2012 | 7:23 AM

Former NFA board member Ben Agari, has described as inspirational and a giant stride, Stephen Keshi’s fielding of a 100 per cent home based squad against the Pelanca Negras of Angola last Wednesday in Abuja in an international friendly.

Agari, said he has not seen the Nigerian senior national team play with such gusto and commitment in the last five years, even though the game ended goalless.

“We have seen that the liberation of our football fortunes lies with the home-based players and Keshi must be encouraged and the NFF must go look for money to sustain his camping of the national team for a long time”, he said.

Speaking further Agari said because he was so impressed with the team’s performance, he was forced to call NFF President Aminu Maigari, during the game to congratulate him for a job well done with the appointment of Keshi and the initiative to start with home grown talents.

The Benue born football administrator, however cautioned Keshi and his crew not to fall into the booby traps that past Nigerian handlers fell into by turning themselves into players’ managers which subsequently affected their selection patterns during games.

“I know Keshi is a thorough bred professional and will not allow that, but his assistants must also avoid that because it was part of the problem of the last coaching crew regime, when they turn themselves into players agent. I congratulate Keshi and I pray he remains on the course of professionalism and success will surely come to him and the victory hungry Nigerian football public”.
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