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Eagles Dream Goals Against Liberia As Angola Keeper Salutes Team

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Friday, January 13, 2012 | 7:21 AM

The Super Eagles resumed training on Thursday in Abuja for the inauguration challenge duel against the Lone Star of Liberia, with one thing in mind, how to convert the several begging chances that they create into goals.

From Skipper Chigozie Agbim, defenders Oboabona Godfrey, Papa Idris and Azubuike Egwueke, who all shown like a million stars in the encounter against Angola’s Pelanca Negras, to midfielder, Sunday Mba, Ejike Ozoenyi, Ossai Uche and strikers Kabiru Umar and Uche Kalu, a resolution seemed to have been passed to go goals wire when it meets its next opponent on Sunday.

Hear Egwueke: We didn’t quite start well because it was our first game together but we still made a lot of efforts to dominate the game and never allowed our opponents to play. The only thing that we didn’t do was scoring, by God’s grace that will not happen in Liberia .

Mba on his part, was even angry with himself, noting that he missed at least two chances to score. “But we have another opportunity to prove ourselves and if the coaches still call me up to play I promise I will deliver the goals this time. The confidence is gradually building.”

Kalu said he was confident that he would be part of the team to Monrovia on Friday and he will justify his inclusion by scoring against Ellen Sirleaf Johnson’s country. “These set of coaches led by Stephen Keshi have so much confidence in us and we can’t afford to fail them”, he said.

Meanwhile, Angolan first choice goalie, Carlos Alberto Fernandes, has described the Super Eagles as one of the best sides he has ever played against in Africa , wondering how they did not make it to the 2012 Nations Cup. "Very good team, but maybe, bad luck. I won't be surprised if they win the next edition of the Nations Cup", he said.
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