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Eagles Maul Lobi Stars 3-1

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Thursday, January 5, 2012 | 5:14 AM

There was a marked improvement in the performance of the national team; Super Eagles as they continue their build-up for the forthcoming international friendlies in what has now been styled the rebuilding process of the national team.

Playing a 4-4-2 formation with Sharks Okemute Odah, starting in goal, Papa Idris pairing new skipper, Azubuike Egwueke, Juwon Oshaniwa and Kola Anubi completing the back four.

Ejike Ejike, played in the left side of the midfield, Kabir Umar, was also there, while Sunday Mba, and Obinna Nwachukwu completes the list upfront.

The game started on a cautious note, with former Super Eagles speed star, Dominic Iorfa directing the Lobi bench along side, John Zaki, against the star-studded Nigerian bench led by Stephen Keshi.

But it was the Lobi side that fired the first salvo, when number 4 shirted Terna Ikpeen, attempted a shot at Okemute that blew dangerously wide. Minutes later, the Eagles reacted and it was a spectacular goal as the combination of Juwon and Kabir, find Ejike in the vital area and he promptly blasted home for the opener, just after just seven minutes.

Kabir himself was to score the second goal deep into the half in the 34th minute after another fine exchanges between the midfield and the attack. By this time, the bench was animated with Keshi, beaming with smiles over the observations that his wards were finally putting into practice what he has been teaching them in practice sessions.

The first half ended 2-0 in favour of the Nigerian national team.

In the second half, the Super Eagles as has become their tradition made some changes with Chigozie Agbim, in for Okemute in goal and others like Godfrey Obenebo, Izu Azuka, youth corps boy, Stephen Morah, Gbenga Arokoyo and mosquito man Bathlomew Ibenegbu, all coming into the fray.

The half went on with a lot of events with Lobi goalie John Lawrence, the busier of the two. It was as if the game was going to be a 2-0 scoreline, until substitutes Izu Azuka, popped up to score a third for the national team, after being fed by the youth corps member deep on the left side of the attack.

That goal took out the sting in the Lobi side and they reacted immediately with a beautiful headed goal from Timothy Imenger. Officials of both sides expressed satisfaction with the game and wished for a batter time next time.
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