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Iorfa, John Zaki Hail Home Eagles

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Thursday, January 5, 2012 | 5:15 AM

Lobi Technical Adviser, Dominic Iorfa, was full of praises for the Super Eagles after their friendly on Wednesday in Abuja , but added that the team is still work in progress and Nigerians must support the work of the national team handlers led by Stephen Keshi.

Chief Coach of Lobi Stars, John Zaki, was more open and objective in his assessment of the national team, declaring that the team has evolved and must be kept together in the rebuilding process. “This type of structure was the one that brought some us to national limelight and Keshi and his crew must be commended for bringing back the glory days of the national team. I saw a team that will bring us joy in the near future. It’s not easy to play a team that has been together like ours like this that is why we must commend the work the coaches are doing.

On areas of improvement, he said the coaching crew has enough experience and have been with the players for sometimes to know what to do to remake the team. “I’m just happy that we are giving the home-based players a chance to rediscover themselves.

On his part, Super Eagles Head Coach, Stephen Keshi, said the team still has a long way to go as he continues the rebuilding process. “We’re building a new team and we expect many obstacles, but we will cross all the bridges and raise a team that Nigerians will be proud.” He again reiterated the fact that he would not dump the home-based players as long as the give enough reason to be part of the national team.
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