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Maigari: No Issues Over Keshi’s CAN Trip

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 11:04 PM

NFF President, Aminu Maigari, has called on the media to play down on controversies in the drive to rebuild the national team, as that will not help new boss, Stephen Keshi, the players and especially the majority of Nigerian ball fans who want the team to return to winning ways very quick.

Reacting to the controversy generated by the departure of Super Eagles Head Coach Stephen Keshi and his assistant, Daniel Amokachi for pundits jobs in South Africa, specifically for the Gabon-Equatorial Guinea 2012 Nations Cup championship, Maigari said the issues were magnified beyond what was actually on the ground.

“The Technical Committee Chairman, Barr Chris Green and his team were actually on top of the matter and were briefing all members of the Executive Committee as and when necessary, so there was no issues at all on the trip by Keshi and his assistant to South Africa.

Maigari, said he has been impressed so far with the attitude to work by Keshi and his team and commended Green and his team for keeping an eye on them. “From the way things are going we are going to see a brand new national team in the coming months.

Meanwhile, Keshi left the country last night for South Africa, and promised once again, that the major thing on his mind despite the pundit job is how to make the Super Eagles great again. “Its not by accident that we were part of the 1994 Golden Age and God permitting, we’ll make Nigerian soccer fans happy again”, he declared.
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