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German Side Ingolstadt04 Chase Eagles Star

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 11:05 PM

As the Super Eagles technical crew continues to grapple with raising a home-grown national team, some of the players invited to camp for the task have been inundated with request for trails by top European clubs.

Recently, Enyimba’s Kalu Uche went on trial with Moroccan champions Wydad Athletics Club, and he’s scheduled for another trip to Egypt in the coming days.

But it’s Heartland’s Obinna Nwachukwu, who runs the right wing for the national team and was very impressive in the goalless draw against Angola, last week that is attracting German Bundesliga 2 side Ingolstadt04.

The player, who has hidden his joy at the opportunity given to him tom play for the Nigerian side, is one of those tipped by the technical crew to break into the main team and has already received his visas for the trip to the club, that is based in the sprawling German City of Munich.

“I have been given the clearance by the national team coaches to go and test the waters but I’m sure I will be back on time for all out games”, Nwachukwu declared after getting his traveling documents last week.

The German side founded in 2004, has a seating capacity of 15,000 and many see it as the ideal place for an upcoming star like Nwachukwu to break into international limelight if he fits the bill.
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