Lagos State will host the maiden edition of the West African Corporate Games which is expected to attract all the West African and other African corporate organisations billed for the Teslim Balogun Stadium, on October, 2010.
The Games Chief Operating Officer,, Shola Oyewusi, said the dynamic, cosmopolitan City of Lagos won the rights to host the Games after coming tops in a competitive bid from many states of the Federation and some cities in other parts of West Africa.
Oyewusi, said the feat made Lagos State to score another first in West Africa by emerging as the first ever city in the region to win the right to host the Games after Johannesburg hosted the event.
He said Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola has agreed to be the Chief host of the games, thus earning is rightful place among illustrous world leaders who have hosted the games including Governor of Califonia who graced the inaugural Games in San Francisco in 1988, the President of the Repuiblic of France, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Presidents of Uruguay, Turkey and India.
The tournament's Director of Sports,Shola Oyetunji, said the Games would feature thirteen sports among which are Golf, Five- A-Side football tournament, table tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Beachsoccer, Athletics and Volleyball.
Oyetunji, said some of te games would also be played at the Ikoyi Club as the games would create opportunity for all the participating organisations to expand their busines horizons, adding that the games would also boost tourism in the state.
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» Lagos To Host West African Corporate Games
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