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NFF slams Nnaji with suspension

Written By sportsweight.blogspot.com on Thursday, April 1, 2010 | 11:45 PM

The Nigeria Football Federation,NFF,on Thursday got its axe swinging on the head of failed litigant, Barrister Ray Nnaji, who had taken football matters to ordinary court of law.

General Secretary, Dr. Bolaji Ojo-Oba said: “Ray Nnaji is suspended from all football matters in this country indefinitely.

He will have to appear before the NFF Disciplinary Committee on Tuesday, April 6, 2010”. Ojo-Oba explained that the Disciplinary Committee could decide on further actions against the former NPL Board Member.

A letter from world football –governing body, FIFA’s letter, titled ‘Court cases over football matters’, dated April 1, 2010 and signed by FIFA General Secretary, Mr. Jerome Valcke, was received by the NFF on Thursday. It read:

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 23 March 2010 with regard to the submission of two claims to Federal courts by candidates for the Nigeria Premier League election.

"As you are aware, according to the FIFA Statutes any recourse to ordinary courts of law is prohibited (art 64, par. 2 of the FIFA Statutes) and that FIFA member associations must ensure that their own members comply with the Statutes (art. 13, par. 1 (d) of the FIFA Statutes). As a consequence, we request the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to ask for an immediate withdrawal of the claims and, in case of non compliance by the claimants, to take sanction against them.

“We remind you that if the NFF does not comply, FIFA could have to act according to art. 13 par. 2 of the FIFA Statutes which states that violation of obligations by any member may lead to sanctions.

“We hope that the NFF will be able to solve the problem rapidly and we thank you to keep us informed about the development of the situation”.

Article 13 Par. 2 of FIFA Statutes says: “Violation of the above –mentioned obligations by any Member may lead to sanctions provided for in these Statutes”.

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